Emacs for SSH/X11 in Fedora

Lars Jänsson, 2024-05-29

Information about how to replace Emacs in Fedora with one suitable for SSH/X11


Emacs has som problems with gtk3 (Gnome) that ends up in crashes, when running emacs via SSH/X11. Some details are available at 1349412 – crash when run through x2go (redhat.com).

Use the emacs-lucid version

Install emacs-lucid

sudo dnf install emacs-lucid

Make emacs-lucid default emacs command

sudo alternatives --config emacs

There are 2 programs which provide 'emacs'.

  Selection    Command
*+ 1           /usr/bin/emacs-29.3
   2           /usr/bin/emacs-29.3-lucid

Enter to keep the current selection[+], or type selection number: 

Select the emacs-lucid version